Our Story

Enabling boaters everywhere to discover and share memorable journeys while minimizing risk and maximizing fun on the water. We built Ditch to make marine navigation easier and smarter. This technology provides tools to foster safety and enable experiences. That’s why we started Ditch. We hope you like it as much as we love building it, and we can’t wait to show you what’s coming next!

The idea for Ditch came about when co-founders Peter Williams (right) and Owen Davies (left) were navigating an unfamiliar section of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. The ever changing bathymetry renders traditional chart plotters dangerously unreliable. There were some close calls, one uncomfortable scrape with a mid-channel sand bar and many curse words. After the storm had passed and they set about finding a better way to determine what information could be learned from the collective expertise of local boaters. “Could recent navigation history be used to tell us the smartest route, how the locals do it, rather than relying on outdated and sometimes wrong electronic maps?”

Peter and Owen have more than 50 years’ combined experience creating and managing state-of-the-art IT systems to mitigate risk in financial markets. With Ditch, they’ve leveraged their expertise in technology and data science to make marine navigation less risky and more enjoyable. They mined large complex historical data sets to identify information that could be used to minimize risk and take some of the stress out of boating.

And so a new way of boating navigation was born. Powered by AI and fueled by AIS data – a platform incorporating Local Knowledge and showing you the Smart Path through the water.

What People Are Saying

“Entering the harbor, the chart showed two marked channels, one of which is more direct, but it also shows some shallow areas. Pulling out Ditch Navigation, I placed a waypoint at Drum Point (the turn in from the Bay) and the other point in the harbor entrance. The app performed its AI magic, and up pops routes taken by other vessels. This helped me figure out an unfamiliar area on the fly.”

— Deric

“I checked Ditch and shockingly the Smart Path turned hard to port where the Garmin and charts showed the channel running dead ahead. The Smart Path took us south to the bay side entrance of the inlet before turning north again and back out to the channel about a mile east of where our diversion began. This app lets you use other boaters’ breadcrumbs when you’re having one of those “oh sh!t” moments.”

— Dell

"Thinking ahead to my plans for a larger boat capable of doing the Great Loop, I began testing Ditch Navigation on other known trouble spots up and down “the Ditch.” With phone in hand running Ditch Navigation and the Waterway Guide on my laptop I found Ditch to be amazingly consistent with navigation alerts and Bob423 tracks. Right away I could see the benefits."

— Peter